Welcome to PingKarma Custom Designs!

At PingKarma Custom Designs, we are passionate about creating stunning designs  for personal and professional use. We are dedicated to bringing your vision to life with creativity and flair. Maybe it's a sassy card for your bestie's Dirty 30, or a T Shirt to support your son's little league team; or maybe it's a banner for your booth at the community craft fair asking for donations to make repairs at the local shelter for homeless kids, OR maybe like me, you are jumping in with both feet terrified and excited at the same time that your passion might be becoming your occupation because two people this week asked you for your business card!!!! You need a business card!!! 

Our Story

Founded with a passion for design and a love for creativity, PingKarma Custom Designs was born out of an entrepreneurial spirit and a overwhelming desire to "Raise the Vibe...My daughter was attacked by a family members 100 lb dog in September of 2022 just days before her 20th birthday. She suffered extensive injuries to her arm and face. Now nearly two years later she is still undergoing surgeries and therapies to repair the physical and emotional damage caused by the attack. To say she inspired and amazed me, and continues to do so is an understatement. She met every challenge, every moment of  shock and discomfort displayed by others, every painful treatment with a grace and maturity and bravery that I cannot say I would have had. She took to her social media immediately, (even though we were told we should cover mirrors  at home as her reflection may have been too traumatic for her handle at first) and began making videos, building a community, and educating the public on her injuries, her treatments, and most of all...The Power of Kindness. The internet is not a kind place, we all are aware of that reality. But I was astonished at the cruelty other humans felt compelled to rain upon my daughter. She did not crumble under the jokes and the horrible accusations coming across her comments on a daily basis. Instead she addressed each and every one of them with a challenge to examine their behavior and ponder on how awful it was. She acted as bait almost for the very worst of the worst, her story was just the right mix of tragedy and visually graphic images that brought out the worst in people. When she could not find kindness or remorse she set to reporting their behavior to the platforms effectively having them removed and sparing anyone else that may not be as strong as her from their abuses. Her videos have millions of views and she recently learned that several of her followers were referred to her videos by their surgeons. Her personal surgeon has shown her video(without disclosing their relationship of course) to her very youngest or challenging patients and has reported to Trinity they find great comfort in following her story. Of course, this whole ordeal has been overwhelmingly expensive. And I did what I do best in a crisis, I started printing fliers, hosting sub sales, and sign ups for our friends and family to bring her meals and stay with her when I or her boyfriend could not. I made T Shirts, and had a yard sale, and started a Go Fund Me. And slowly through the process as I created and designed, I remembered how I badly I wanted to be my own boss, to have my own business, to do something I loved every day.  Nine months after the attack I lost my job as a retail store manager. The incident that led to my termination was not related to my time off  to care for my daughter but it was definitely a factor. The very first day I needed off just four days after the attack, I was lectured and chastised about my responsibilities and prior commitment to the company. I loved that job but, I do not ever want to be in that position again. As sad as I was to lose an important part of my life, I was dedicated to my store, my employees, and especially my customers; it is why I am now giving 150% effort into making my dream come true. And for that I am grateful beyond belief. Because of my daughter's ordeal I witnessed first hand how badly the world needs more love, more kindness, and more positivity. I also learned that for every awful, mean human there are ten kind souls trying to give back, support one another, and "Raise the Vibe"... And that folks is why we are doing what we're doing how we're doing it. Thanks so much for reading our story!! Now you know why we believe in the power of positive connections and are committed to "Raise the Vibe". You can learn more about Trinity's Recovery and her Be Kind Humans Mission by following her on Tik Tok @Trinnyb.02

What Sets Us Apart

What sets us apart from other design businesses is our customer service philosophy. Our commitment to positive connections, customizable packages, flexibility in pricing, and white glove treatment is all aimed at making sure that our clients are 100% DELIGHTED!! Every client, Every design, Every Time. Whether you are requesting a consultation for a full Wedding Print Trousseau with Concierge Service or you are purchasing a Ready to Print Tee from one of our internet site stores, your experience and your complete satisfaction with your final product is at the forefront of everything we do and every decision we make.  We want your experience with PKCD to Raise the Vibe... fill your day with positivity, and create a ripple effect all around you. When it comes to designing custom images and products we believe in working closely with our clients to bring their unique vision to life. We strive to conduct our business in a way that is representative of our beliefs and values because we believe that these are important to our clients as well. We are committed to sustainability, partnering with only ethical businesses, protecting your data and your privacy. Everything we do is focused on ensuring you are delighted with your experience and your final products. PingKarma Custom Designs...

Raise the Vibe...

Community Involvement

At PingKarma Custom Designs, we believe in giving back to the community. We are proud of our goals to form charitable partnerships, community involvement initiatives, and positive impact projects. We also offer fundraising support to help others experience the joy of making a difference. We have dreams of building two foundations with the successful scaling of PKCD-First, Ping!-a foundation to benefit survivors of animal attacks and other traumatic injuries. When someone suffers a traumatic, injurious event something not thought of is the material possessions they lose as a result of the trauma. Jewelry, Clothing, Accessories, Personal items, etc. are not considered important when someone barely escapes an event with their life. But through Trinity's ordeal and in speaking with other survivors of traumatic events this is something that deeply effects many that have experienced something awful. We want to begin the Ping! Foundation to fund and actively replace to the best of our ability the cherished personal effects lost by survivors of traumatic events and injuries. Secondly, we would like to fund a foundation to benefit underprivileged  youth that show impressive talent in athletics or the arts. We know first hand, that family finances can be an unsurmountable barrier for a child pushing to succeed in school and especially their extra curricular participation. We wish to be able to create funding that will be used to sponsor an athlete and an artist throughout their high school journey. We wish to fund the  purchases of the expensive equipment, high quality gear, private training,  additional instruction, and attendance at camps and programs that focus on  developing their talents. We wish to award these sponsorships through the nominations or recommendations of coaches and instructors, without requiring the students to take on additional pressure to work harder. We believe that recognizing the hard work they are already putting in and acknowledging and removing the financial barriers they are facing will  keep them on the right path towards success and a better life. 

Ready to Be Delighted?

Contact us today to discuss your vision and how we can bring it to life!